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Imagination Factory Woodworking...long name with a long story so I will try to keep it short.  


Back in college I was sitting in my logistics class and the professor asked a few of us what our dream job would be.  I sat there and listened to others say "logistics analyst" or "warehouse manager" and thought to myself that those aren't jobs that you would typically associate with dreams, at least I didn't think of them as dream jobs.  Here I was thinking someone was going to say astronaut, fashion designer, monster truck driver...things our kid selves would fascinate about.  That was the point where I pretty much just didn't care about getting a degree, getting a  boring job, and join the millions of others doing the same.


After graduating and summers in between semesters, I had a few jobs that were miserable like working retail, fast food, gas station clerk, and even a cushy office job.  The only job I did enjoy was doing carpentry with a family friend.  So I took a leap, quit my corporate desk job and took a pay cut to go work for a local shed building business.  Learned some great skills, but then decided that I'm tired of working for others and I want to do what I want to do.  I cashed out my 401K, paid off my mountain of credit card debt and student loans and invested into the business I have now.  


Which brings us back to the name.  The old saying goes "if you can dream it, you can build it" which I took inspiration from.  Imagination Factory Woodworking is my very small factory where I can create some ideas I imagine off the top of my head and also help others bring theirs to life.  


If you have an idea in your head, jump over to the contact page and let's figure it out.  Or swing by the shop and take a look.  I will try to have a new item every couple of weeks.


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